Can I Have Your Attention, Please? White Paper


Society is facing an attention crisis. In recent years, many individuals have noticed that they're no longer able to focus the way they once did. Innovations in digital media, while bringing about a variety of powerful benefits, has also been detrimental to the ways in which we think and interact with the world around us.

The whitepaper below takes a deeper dive into the ways that technologies have been deliberately designed to exploit human vulnerabilities, plus the specific ways that it has impacted our ability to remain focused in recent years. Fortunately, there are many steps that can be taken to help mitigate these effects.

There are several ways that individuals can impose stricter boundaries with their devices and reclaim their peak cognition. But, the most meaningful change will be the result of collective action. Together, humane technologists can design technologies through ethical practices that respect human nature rather than exploiting it.

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